Money vs Happiness (Two-Part Questions)


Some people say the main way to be able to be happy in life is to have a lot of money. 

How might having a lot of money make people happy? 

What other things in life can make people happy?

It is believed that the key to happiness lies in money. Wealth can bring joy in several ways ranging from having basic amenities to pursual of dreams, but there exist other immaterial aspects like health and family which are often linked with happiness. 

How an individual defines happiness is a key factor in this case. To elaborate, for people living in under developed countries, having access to basic amenities such as clean drinking water, un-interrupted electricity and having a decent place to live might make them happy and they are expected to spend money to get access to these facilities. On the other hand, for some, monetary joy could be to follow their dreams to either travel the world or have a business of their own. For example, a childhood friend of mine inherited a sizable amount of money and started his own business as for him running a company was a dream and he is quite happy now. 

It is said that wealth can give you a lot of things but not everything. This is to say that there are other elements which are a cause of happiness in our lives but can not be bought no matter how rich one gets. Naming a few, good health and loving family are blessings to have and despite having a lot of money can not be traded. For instance, cancer patients spend a fortune on their treatment and in some cases the chances of recovery are still not promising. Another example would be to live and laugh with your family members and these moments are often considered priceless for the same reason.

 To conclude, it is often believed that abundance of wealth is the key to being happy as it lets people live a quality life and follow their dreams, but some other elements such as having good health and family can also be a source of one’s happiness. 


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