IELTS Essay Topics and Subtopics



•    Cash vs credit card
•    Saving vs spending
•    Globalization vs economy
•    World economic issues
•    Economic progress and success

•    Children and education
•    Relevant subjects
•    Education and technology
•    Role of teachers
•    Discipline and rules in school
•    Single sex schools
•    Uniforms
•    Findings
•    Educational aid to poorer countries
•    Animals
•    Protecting of endangered species
•    Zoos
•    Environmental problems
•    Saving the environment & solving problems
•    Government vs individual roles
Family and children
•    Family role
•    Family size
•    The generation gap
•    Discipline
•    Role models
•    Family and education
•    Health diets
•    Education of diets
•    Traditional vs modern diets
•    Fast food
•    Children and diet
•    Shift work
•    Women in work
•    Types of jobs (blue collar / white collar)
•    Children and exploration
•    Part time work
•    Work and technology
•    Employment
•    Salary
•    Equality
•    Prevention vs cure
•    Funding
•    Health and education
•    Poor countries and rich countries
•    Health aid
•    Dealing with global epidemics
•    Hospitals and treatment
•    Obesity
•    Exercise and health
•    Having only one language in the world
•    Methods of language learning
•    Travel and language
•    The disappearance of language
•    Language and culture
Media and Advertising
•    Censorship, control and freedom of speech
•    Advertising methods
•    Children and advertising
•    Media and technology
•    News and reporting
Other Common Essay Topics
•    Space exploration
•    Water and ocean
•    Change or moving vs stability and consistency
•    Paper books vs eBooks
•    Children and reading
•    Books in education
•    Liberians
•    Reading and leisure
•    Censorship of art and artist
•    Creativity
•    Art at school
•    The benefits of art individual and society
•    Funding
Business and money
•    Small vs large business
•    International business
•    Family ran business
•    Management and leadership
•    Success in business
•    Business and technology
•    Skills vs knowledge for business
•    Materialism and consumerism
Communication and personality
•    Technology and communication
•    Family and communication
•    Face to face vs long distance communication
•    Types of communication

•    The development of character and personality
•    Female / male characters
Crime and Punishment
•    Prisons vs rehabilitation
•    Capital punishment vs types of punishment
•    Criminals – what makes criminal
•    Major vs minor crime
•    Crime and technology
•    Teenagers and crime
•    Role of policeman
•    Men and women in law enforcement
•    Controlling the internet
•    Socializing on internet
•    Children and technology (safety)
•    The change in society
•    Letter vs email
•    Storing data
•    Safety and personal information
•    Hacking
•    Development and infrastructure
•    Comparing forms of transport
•    Environmental issues
•    Culture and travel
•    Understanding and people and travel
•    Living in a global world
•    Overpopulation
•    Poverty
•    Homeless people
•    Crime on streets
•    Modern life styles
•    Budget spending
•    Public service
•    Professionals vs armatures
•    Salary
•    Equipment
•    Sports and  learning
•    Men vs women in sports
•    Types of sports


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