Traffic Congestion (Problem and Solutions)


In many cities of the world, traffic congestion is a serious problem. What are the causes and what can be done about it?

Traffic jams in urban areas are becoming a serious concern for people around the world. This is usually caused by the increase in vehicles on the road and improper traffic management. Some key solutions to this include encouraging the use of public transport, and implementing strict control measures through traffic police. 

There are several causes of traffic congestion in cities with the number of vehicles on the road being a major contributing factor. In other words, the more automobiles on the road the more chances of being stuck in traffic. While, automotive sector, in order to boost their sales, launch and promote new car and bike models every year, the roads and infrastructure do not expand accordingly. Hence, this disproportion in the growth of the two interlinked factors result in traffic jams. For example, cities in Pakistan witnessed a significant increase in the number of cars due to affordable financing options offered by banks. This increase in the number of cars resulted in severe traffic issues that the country is still facing. 

There are certain possible solutions to the problem at hand, such as promoting the use of public transport and having strict penalties when it comes to traffic violations. Firstly, the development of a decent public transport system is required, the second step would be to encourage people to use these buses or trains instead of their personal modes of transportation. By doing so the number of cars of the road will reduce. Another solution would be to put in place strict rules and penalize through heavy fines in case of violation. This will streamline the flow of traffic and keep people from breaking the law. A good example would be of UAE where the government took both these initiatives and experienced a significant reduction in traffic congestions. 

To conclude, traffic congestion is a severe issue caused by the ever-increasing number of vehicles. But it can be managed, or even resolved, if the governments encourage the use of public transport systems and ensure traffic laws enforcement while punishing the offenders with substantial fines and penalties.


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