Academic Task 1 Symptoms of Stress

The graph illustrates the impact of stress on participants. Respondents include both teenagers and adults who highlighted symptoms that were caused by stress that took place within the duration of the past 30 days before the survey. 

Overall, the majority of the participants including both teenagers and adults think that they feel angry under stress. Further, more than a third of participants believe that they feel nervous and tired when in stress. 

The most highlighting symptom of stress as responded by 40% of participants (both adults and teenagers) is “feeling angry”. Almost equal number of respondents (more than 35%) believe that they feel nervous and tired during a stressful period. Contrary to the lesser number of youngsters (around 32%), a large number of adults (that is more than 40%) are reporting that their stress level increases as a symptom of stress. 

Furthermore, approximately one third of teenagers are of the opinion that they want to cry during their stress period whereas the same is reported by 30% of adults.


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